Contessa Kitchen Tip #11

Simple Syrups are a great way to infuse sweetness into a drink without the grittiness of undissolved sugar interrupting the experience. I use it mostly in ice-teas and other cold drinks.

Infusing the syrups with various flavors is very simple to do. It gives a real twist to any drink your making. My favorites are those combinations bursting with island tinged flavors –Lime, Lemon grass, and ginger are my go-to-flavors!

Simply mix and boil equal parts sugar with water and until dissolved. While the mixture is cooling add the flavoring of your choice and let steep. Enjoy!

Contessa CocoTea Latte

I am not a regular coffee drinker. But when I do drink coffee, it has to be something a bit more special than a regular cup of brew. It must be downright delicious! In law school, an inexpensive treat for me was browsing through the isles of my favorite bookstore. It was heaven to bump into books that would offer some release from the mundane “had-to” read cases and statutes that was law school reading.

There was usually a Star BucksCoffee housed in these bookstores, and my favorite flavor was the white chocolate mocha latte. There are no large book stores with specialty coffee houses on our little Rock, so in true Contessa-style, this recipe is an homage to both my now-world and my then-world. A blending of Caribbean flavors of fire roasted cocoa beans, beaten and pounded to release their oils and full flavor, then palmed rolled into logs of pure, minimally processed, chocolate heaven. Read More

Coconut Curls

There are things you do in the kitchen because you think you HAVE to do it. You think to yourself, “Man, this is hard, but I know the outcome will be well worth it!” This is never more the case for me than making anything related to fresh coconuts. I use coconuts and coconut milk in practically everything I make– both savory and sweet. It is simply too luxurious a mouth-feel and flavor not to find a way to incorporate it.

One of my most favorite, recent, food memories was making coconut milk with my Sister-In-Law Wendy in my kitchen with dried coconuts from my mom’s tree. We scraped and wielded our knives against the unyielding coconut flesh in the hopes of gathering enough of it to make some fresh coconut milk. Read More

Contessa Stew Lamb

On the island you will rarely hear the words Beef Stew, or Chicken Stew the “Stewing” generally comes before the meat described. So it will be Stew Chicken or Stew Beef instead of the reverse as is more common in the States. This recipe at its heart a STEW! A thick, rich, hearty, and spicy stew! Read More

Contessa Porridge

Food can take on many different personalities. Everyday Food. Celebration Food. Breakfast food. And sadly but necessary “Sick Food”. Growing up in the Caribbean there is one food that seemed to capture almost all of the above qualities– a good, hot, steaming, bowl of Porridge. I remember a fellow Caribbean friend using the word “Porridge” instead of cereal, and an American friend of her’s laughed at the foreignness of the sound. She said, “Porridge? What are you in an orphanage!” I guess (hilariously) the word for her conjured images of gruel and desperation! Read More

Contessa Brown Butter & Coconut Granola…

There is something very seductive about darkness. Dark starry nights, dark roasted coffee, deep dark chocolate. For me, darkness in food translates to something touched by fire, scorched, flavor packed, and intensely rich. Some of my favorite desserts are what I call “Dark” desserts. Meaning it is made with either smoked, or darkened colored ingredients. Read More

Contessa Avocado Egg Rolls

Growing up, I always heard my mother refer to avocados as “pears”.  The version of the avocado I am more familiar with on the island is the larger green avocado, not the smaller, dark purple Hass Avocado. I enjoy the Hass, but I adore the larger “Pear”.  Somehow the good-for-you, fatty, richness of the avocado always complimented, in a very cooling way, whatever traditionally spiced dishes came out of my mother’s kitchen. Read More

Contessa Mint Carambola Juice

It is summer! And all the trees seem to be erupting into fertile, unending, fruit season all at once! The bees are out busy collecting fruit nectar from all the fruit flowers that hold promises for future fruit harvests. For me there is nothing more satisfying on a hot summer day than the simplicity of crunching my way into a cooling bite of Carambola.  Read More