Contessa Conch in Brown Butter Sauce


The sea is our most valuable resource here on the island. We are literally haunted by its crashing surf and demanding call. There are few places on the island where the evidence of the sea is not in some way visible. It fuses itself into our every understanding, whether we see it on a long drive home in the distance, or witness the ravage of salt rusted fixtures and appliances because it moves so easily with the trade winds across the island.  By definition, all island people are bound to the sea.  It gives us a place to celebrate on its shores; offers us ways to rejuvenate our sick or weary bodies—there are few ailments that aren’t cured by a good “sea soak”; and most importantly it nourishes us from its bountiful depths.  One of my favorite gifts from the sea is the conch. When prepared correctly, the conch transforms itself from a mere bottom-dwelling , sea snail into tender, flavorful, oceanic ambrosia! (Yes, it warrants all those adjectives because it is just THAT good!) Read More

Contessa Banana Beignets


There were seven countries that have laid claim to the Virgin Islands, before it was acquired by the United States in 1917. France and Spain were two of those countries. I suspect it was through them that this treat was brought to the island, and transformed by the addition of local tropical ingredients.

Locally, it is spelled and pronounced “Benye”. However, it is obvious that it is intended to mirror its Southern European cousins. The French have the Beignet, the Portuguese have the Malasada, and the Crucians have the Benye! In belated honor of Fat Tuesday, and the heaven sent New Orleans Beignet and Cafe Au Lait, here is a mouth watering recipe for one of my favorite treats. Read More

Passion Fruit Mimosa


Well, after a long Christmas Season inspired hiatus, (and some major technical difficulties) it feels wonderful to be back to blogging and sharing some of the awesome flavors that we produce here on our little rock! The holiday season was a time of family and friends gathering, and I have to say that I am still in the mood for food, friends, and family! My favorite time of day to gather everyone at our home is for that special halfway time between breakfast and lunch–Brunch. And nothing says brunch better than a mimosa! Passion Fruit mimosas anyone? Read More

Local Crucian Pineapples

Here on the island the food scene is exploding! Everywhere you turn more and more people are exploring the possibilities of foods that we can grow, cultivate, and share. One of my favorite farmer stands is run by a warm, and wonderful woman known simply to me as Mrs. Jackson. Her stand is perched right on Centerline Road. Whenever my husband and I find ourselves west of the Airport Road, Mrs. Jackson’s farm stand is a must stop! Read More

Contessa Honey Coconut French Toast

There is a story in the Old Testament where God promised the Israelites a new homeland flowing with “Milk and Honey” after they crossed the dessert. Well, I can easily say without any intended irreverence, if God had promised me a land filled with rivers of COCONUT milk and CRUCIAN honey, I too would travel without complaints over the expansive hot desert sands (barefoot)!!! Read More

Contessa Brown Butter & Lemongrass Tilapia

I have been working with lemongrass as a flavoring quite a bit lately. It finds itself in ice teas, ice creams, and now in savory dishes like this one. I enjoy the flavor that comes from lime zest, but I find the subtle scent of lemon grass makes the perfect substitute. Also, its grassy undertones elevate the dish in ways that lime zest alone can’t compete with. So, I decided to try it in this fish recipe. Coconut milk, lemongrass, a hint of curry, and other complex Caribbean flavors make their way into this luscious and incredibly simple end-of-the-week, supper dish.

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Contessa Tip #12

Be sure to read every recipe thoroughly before beginning. There is nothing worse than believing you can wing it. Especially when you realize that the 3 cups of sugar was supposed to be divided between the cake and the glaze. Or that the egg you added to the dough was to be used for the final egg wash in a croissant! Trust me, I have had that experience of one too many eggs in a cheesecake.

Part of the fun of cooking is learning how things come together. How time, individual ingredients, and perfect technique can help create unforgettable food and family memories! Rediscover your kitchen and enjoy!!


October 18th was definitely a two-in-one kind of day!! First Tastespotting chose my Avocado Egg Rolls recipe, then my other favorite site Foodista picked it up and highlighted it!! It really brings me joy to see the foods we grow right here on our little Rock highlighted and celebrated! Big Smiles, even if a bit late in posting!!

Here is what I shouted on my FB page about this true honor!! “Food bloggers know how notoriously difficult it is to get one of their photos on! Well, today they accepted one of my photographs!! What a wonderful surprise!! :)” 

Avocado Egg Rolls!!!

Contessa Tomato & Feta Salad

There is something about islands that speak to all kinds of commonalities; whether it is the Virgin Islands or the Grecian islands. Any place that is showered in the sunshine will have foods that reflect that brilliant synergy of sun, earth, and water. This simple tomato and feta salad, is not a Crucian dish, but to me it symbolizes much of the “sun” foods that grow easily on our island by many of our local farmers. Cherry tomatoes, culantro, basil, all lend a hand in this promising, beat-the-heat dish. Read More